

Most Popular screen lock App! Easy & strong photo password Download Link

Most Popular screen lock App! Easy & strong photo password - Touch Lock Screen Download Latest Version 
Display a cool pic on my cell phone screen and use it as a fast and easy thanks to unlocking by touching specific positions of the photo!!
The bit lock screen will simply set a "touch password" with the touch of specific positions on my photo like eyes, nose, mouth, face, or hand. 

▶ It provides an advanced level of security as each "Photo” and "Touch position" assail the lock screen become barely arcanum. 

▶ As shortly as others bit the screen on the telephone, a "warning" message pops up, therefore, nobody else will unlock it.

▶ It safeguards my cell phone crammed with confidential financial data and personal data. 

Cool photos turning into my cell phone password!!! @@
▶ I can even use photos of K-pop stars and their stage performance that I hold dear in my phone.
Photos of my girlfriend that I took in person, the lifetime best shot, travel photos, family photos, and a few nice photos I downloaded from net will be used as sturdy arcanum similarly. 

▶ I can even set my baby’s cute photo on the first screen of my grandmother's cell phone to use it as each photo album and screen lock. 
Available to use any photo i need, this is often a real pic bit lock screen~

It is merely done provided that I bit any position i need on the pic of my choice. Lock screen compatible with any version of cell phone
▶ astonishingly, this easy and powerful new security technology is compatible with low-end and recent mobile phones as long as their screens are touch-aware.

▶ Since I will directly set the "touch password" on my favorite pic, my cell phone becomes much easier to use add to its decoration impact.

▶ there's no inconvenience of setting a separate password on my phone once I set the photo password. this is often as a result of the lock screen’s bit position itself functions as a powerful password. 
This first introduced "Touch Lock Screen” may be a proprietary technology victimization graphic authentication.

Security is doubtless strong.
An innovative thanks to avoiding exposing the password to others once entering the "Touch Password"! it's as a result of It solely comes with the touch-lock screen.
Should I be concerned concerning the possibility that solely touching photos makes my phone susceptible to bound security breaches like a trial to crack my phone’s password by guess or causeless password exposure to others? No got to worry. 

▶ there's a technology hidden within the bit lock screen that prevents others from searching for what truly makes up the "touch password” throughout its use. The password is hardly noticeable even though it's shown purposefully. 
This magic like technology, that is being introduced for the primary time within the world, is additionally proprietary technology.

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